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writewheel uk
Brought to you by the Old Blugger
For videos and images on all types of vehicles, and books on TVR, the RV8 engine, police corruption in the 70s and 80, and me and my prostate
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Latest, new and soon will be
The autumn Miniature Steam day at Amberley Museum was a treat. Lots of vehicles, and the owners were only too willing to drive them around the grounds. The main display area, immediately as you enter the museum, was packed, with movement all day.
There were quite a few visitors, and lots of kids. Those exhibiting were only too pleased to explain their vehicles to bewildered questioners. A great day’s entertainment.
I’m trying something new.
I’ve always taken photographs of flowers and fungi, and I’ve decided to concentrate on it, not to the exclusion of vehicles, but old age has meant driving long distances has become a bit of a strain, and Amberley, Brooklands and Hampton Court will be the only places in my 2025 calendar. I’ll post links to my Flower Photos website nearer launch day.