Hampton Court Concours 2021
I got there early, before the crowds. It is the best time at most car shows. The owners are cleaning their cars, and there’s a degree of activity that is more conducive to a relaxed atmosphere that when the owners are staring at viewers in order to scare them to not touch their cars.
The air is cool in the mornings, people don’t stand in front of cameras so much, and there are lots of people willing to chat.
I was talking to one chap, bemoaning the Porsche dominance of Le Mans, almost ruining it for many, and I later discovered he was the ownder of one of those on display. Ah, well.
Sorry for the delay in posting but it has been something of an intensive year, especially the second half, for me and mine. See Blugger and the big C if you are wondering what I’m talking about.
Enjoy the video. If you find the commentary oppressive, or have advice about it, please feel free to comment. It’s my first go at it.
If those who are in the video want a copy of the unedited video, please let me know. If those whose children I’ve pixelled out want the original, I’ll require a photo of the adult with them before release.
Here are a few images of the day.
I hope you like the images. I’ve not named them, apart from Alt-text, to let you have some fun.