Historic Gathering, Amberley
It was my first visit to the Historic Transport Gathering at Amberley Museum and Heritage Centre in October, but it won’t be my last. There was a range of vehicles, including cars from a Benz of 1898 to those of a hundred years later, classic bikes, including an immaculate Scott and historic buses. There were also stationary engines, which I find fascinating, although I know this is not a universal emotion that they generate.

The most common comment I overheard when walking around was, ‘I used to have one of those.’ Well, I used to have one of each of the above four, starting with the buggy-backed Ford Poplar, then the 803cc, split screen Morris Minor, next came what essentially was the same car, but with a twin-car, 1500cc B-series engine and finally not the MGTD shown but the better looking MGTC that preceded it.