Invicta at Brooklands May 2023

The BritCar day at Brooklands in May 2023. The wonderful display of Invitas was near the entrance and it took me ages to get past. Lovely cars, well prepared, and a very pleasant group of owners who were only too willing to chat about their cars. It made my day.

It was raining on the drive up, and so it was great to see all the tops down.

While you’re here; I had the dread diagnosis of prostate cancer last year and like most people [citation needed] I was more than a little concerned. There was the idea of being eaten up from the inside, and also the fear of the unknown processes I’d be subject to. If that’s what you’re concerned about, I’ve written a little – 12,000 words or so – book of my experiences. It’s a humorous take on what was is, more or less, a list of various incursions into my body. It was funny at times, often surreal, but always fascinating.

Click on the image below to be taken to my book on the Kindle website. Remember, it comes in pdf form as well. If you don’t mind waiting a few days (from 11 May 2023) I’ll publish the pdf, available on this site at a slightly reduced price. [citation needed]

Cover image of Cancer, Me and my Prostate

Click on the image to be taken to the page on Kindle. It’s cheap, very cheap, with just 12,000 words, but my daughter, reading it for me pre-publishing day, said that she laughed out loud a number of times.

I’m not sure if that tells us more about her than the book.

To suggest it was a fun ride would be a little wide of the mark, but I met some interesting people – some highly professional people, I learned new words and phrases, and the number of initials I can quote in a learned manner is a tribute to the information given to me.

I met a chap who had 5 months to live.

The intent of the book is not to give advice – as I say in the book, I certainly would not follow my advice – but to encourage people to follow the one suggestion in it.

This book might save your life. It might give you a laugh. Or more than one. Whatever; it is remarkably cheap. Are you worth it?

No Kindle? It will soon be available in pdf on this website.

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