Unusually, this isn’t available for sale through Writewheel. If you want it, go to Kindle by clicking on the image on the right or below. The book’s about some old bloke experiencing the problems of an enlarged bladder. I won’t go into details. Then being subjected to various MRI thingies and and invasive procedure by my GP. I expect he was as glad as I was that it only took a few seconds. The the investigation in hospital, with all sorts of gubbins stuck into me. The diagnosis of a malignant cancer, and then the zapping.
It’s told in the manner of someone who was a bit bewildered by the whole process. You can probably work out why.
The book is macho, but only in the sense that here, at last, is something no woman can suggest that they’ve had, but didn’t moan about.
NOTE: the cover image on Kindle differs from the one here.